
Drug Rehabilitation

Here is my essay that I wrote for my English final. Its not perfect, but it could work if we wanted it to. Blessings.

     From what I have read and believe, I strongly feel that rehabilitation for drug offenders is something that our government needs to financially support. There is proof that these programs are working. I believe that our government is not spending enough money on rehabilitation programs. There are instances that they see positive results, however a lack of funding is causing their effectiveness to decrease. The reason that our state is lacking in funding is because there is not enough money coming from the people. It is our taxes that fund how our government works. If we lower taxes, then we are cutting the funding needed to rehabilitate offenders who really need the help.
     Our society is very self-centered. For example, they do not want taxes to be increased because that means that they are not able to have as much in their pockets. The more money that people have to spend on things they don't need, the happier they are. (It is a shame that they do not fully realize that their happiness is only temporary.) When their happiness leaves, they figure that they can just buy it again, thus repeating the cycle. When people recognize that they will become happier in giving that in receiving, then they will not have a problem with increased taxes. Their increased taxes will be beneficial to the country because their child's education will be improved by having the state hire more, qualified teachers, thus having the teacher per student ratio to increase, which has been shown to be a positive thing for students.
     Their taxes will also go toward numerous other things that will increase the overall benefit of the country. One thing that will help society by increased taxes is rehabilitation for drug offenders. There are many programs out there, both state sponsored and privately sponsored that are successful in drug rehabilitation. One such private institution is Teen Challenge, which has locations all over the state. Their success rate is much higher than any state lead program in the country and this is confirmed even by the country. With increased taxes, there is more money that can be granted to institutions such as this. This is one case where money equals success.
     With more rehabilitated people walking the streets, our prison's populations will decrease. This decrease in population will allow more resources to be devoted to criminals who are serious offenders. Also, the less people that are in the prison system, the less that the tax paying people will have to spend on the prison system, thus allowing more funding for programs that are actually beneficial for society (like rehabilitation programs).
     If people become generous with their money, then their dependence on it will decrease. A decreased dependence on money will make people much happier. People will not worry so much on their finances, thus causing less fighting between married couples and fewer divorces. Fewer divorces will bring about a healthy family system, with children growing up with a clearer understanding on how the system of a marriage and family is supposed to be. Increased healthy families will cause a decrease in unhealthy families. Children will no longer need to go to outside sources (such as drugs and gangs) for comfort and security. There will be a decrease in the number of children in gangs, and eventually with no new members, gangs will decrease. With a decrease in gangs, there will be an additional amount of funds for the state, since crime will decrease.
     With less drug dealers on the streets, there will be a decrease in the drugs that are shipped into the country illegally. Drug cartells around the world will no longer have anybody to buy their drugs, thus themselves going out of business. With all the extra money that former drug buyers are able to save, they will be able to pay for the increase in taxes and then be able to give more to people and to programs that need the money. They will be happier because the feeling of giving is so much better for the body and mind than the feeling of taking and temporary happiness.
     Eventually, because of the increase in taxes, people will be more respectable toward each other. Our state will not have to worry the people about the large deficit that our state is always trying to turn around. A surplus in funds will allow emergency programs to be more effective when emergency happens. With a surplus, rehabilitation programs will be better funded. Eventually because of the lack of offenders due to the increase in healthy family systems, rehabilitation programs will not be needing as much funds as offenders will cease to exist. In the rare chances that funding is needed for drug rehabilitation, it will be available because of the surplus that the state has.
     The health of the American nation and the government will increase dramatically and people and countries around the world will look to us as an inspiration. We will begin to give respect to other nations in our generosity. Respect will once again be given to us. No longer will we need to borrow money from other countries or have them buy our debt. We will be a country of peace and prosperity and of freedom. And it all started because we took the time to care for those who needed to be cared for. We set our selves aside and focused on those who needed help and we were there as a people to help them. Drug rehabilitation can work and it will change our nation and possibly the world if we support it.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not remember reading this before. I believe it is a decent stance you take and worth debating over. Nicely written. I do not believe you were aiming at offending anyone, but that you were just bringing up the other side of an issue. There's always two sides of a story.